About Auction Technologies

Who we are

Formed by some of the most renowned auction market designers and auction execution experts, our team members have been involved in the design and implementation of the most successful and innovative auction solutions used in the energy, telecommunications and related industries to date. Auction Technologies has a world leading team on auction design and management and also offers the most advanced auction software solutions.

What we do

Auction Technologies is your one stop shop for auction consulting services and electronic auction software.

Auctioneering Services: We provide auction design and management to businesses, governments and other market participants. Whether buying or selling or both we help our clients create efficient markets to maximize the value of their transactions. We usually provide our clients with full service solutions comprised by consulting, auction design and management and on-line bidding platforms customized and tailored to our clients’ needs.

Bidder Advisory services: We advise bidders participating in auctions on bidding strategy, valuations, competitive assessments and assist them with war room management support. As part of our war room management support services we provide our clients with bid analysis software tools.

Who we serve

Our auction design and management services are a perfect fit for any client in need to set up a competitive procurement process via an auction or an RFP, or any client to set up a process for the sale of valuable assets or resources. We help our clients achieve their objectives: whether it is maximizing revenue, minimizing costs, creating market competition or any other.

For clients in regulated industries we also act as an independent auction manager and/or monitor and assist our clients with testimony and expert witness support with respect to auction design, competitive procurement and related regulatory matters.

Our bidder advisory services are ideal for any bidder participating in an auction or any other competitive mechanism. We help our clients understand the intricacies of the auction design and rules and provide them with bidding strategies to reach a successful outcome.

We support the following industries:

  • Energy: electricity, oil & gas (e.g. natural gas, pipeline capacity)
  • Commodities: metals (e.g. iron, scrap), chemicals (e.g. ethylene, solvents), agricultural (coffee)
  • Environmental commodities (e.g. Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), SO2 and NOx)
  • Media (e.g. advertising space)
  • Natural resources: spectrum, water
  • Transportation: airports, railroads, freight
  • Manufacturing and technology
  • Financial: distressed and new (e.g. mortgage backed securities), sovereign debt
  • Telecommunications (e.g. spectrum trading)
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